Services Offered
Regenerative Medicine
At NOVO Regenerative we provide comprehensive and integrated non-surgical solutions to promote tissue repair and recovery of function for individuals with musculoskeletal pain, orthopedic injuries, and degenerative joint conditions as well as therapies that rejuvenate optimal system function.

The hip is subject to a wide variety of injuries and inflammatory disorders. Weight-bearing and sports-related impact over many years contribute to degeneration of the hip joint cartilage and supportive capsule and ligaments, including the sciatica nerve. Pain in the hip may be felt in the buttock, the groin, and even down to the knee as a result of sciatica nerve ‘pinches’.The hip can be a challenging joint to treat, but after a comprehensive examination and thorough review of your diagnostic studies, our team can discuss your treatment options.

Your back supports the structure of the body but can easily be injured or compromised by accidents, sport injuries, or degenerative conditions. Back injuries can prevent you from performing basic daily functions and doing the things you love. A number of structures including the spinal disks, facet joints, sciatica nerve and ligaments provide stability and flexibility. This allows your body to bend, twist, and manage loads.

Your shoulder is the most mobile joint in your body. Most activities of daily life require excellent shoulder mobility and pain-free movement. ligaments, tendons, and the labrum which controls the ball in the socket of the joint. The rotator cuff is a group of tendons that wrap around the ball and socket joint and injuries to these tendons are common cause of shoulder pain. Repetitive use leads to partial tears, instability, and degeneration with resultant arthritis and laxity of the shoulder joint.

The knee is the largest joint in your body. Impact from sports and weight-bearing over many years contribute to wearing out of the knee joint connective tissues. Strains and tears of the medial and lateral meniscus, tears of the anterior cruciate and posterior cruciate ligaments, and tears of the medial collateral and lateral collateral ligaments that stabilize the joint. Joint laxity, pain, and deformity occur over time.

The hip is subject to a wide variety of injuries and inflammatory disorders. Weight-bearing and sports-related impact over many years contribute to degeneration of the hip joint cartilage and supportive capsule and ligaments. Pain in the hip may be felt in the buttock, the groin, and even down to the knee.The hip can be a challenging joint to treat, but after a comprehensive examination and thorough review of your diagnostic studies, our team can discuss your treatment options.

Your elbows are hinge joints that allow flexion and rotation of our forearms. Many sports require stability and flexibility of the elbows to optimize performance. Many of the muscles for the wrist and hand originate at the elbow. Stress, overuse, and injury of these tendons may commonly affect the medial elbow, called “Golfer’s Elbow”, and the lateral elbow, called “Tennis Elbow”. The elbow joint may also be prone to arthritis and bursitis.

There are many ligaments and joint capsule structures that support and provide stability while offering flexibility. Wrist pain is often a result of ligament sprains, tears, or fractures sustained through sudden injuries or from repetitive use. Arthritis and carpal tunnel syndrome may occur as well. Pain in the hands or wrists may be associated with the frequent use of smartphones and computer-focused work environments.

The ankle bears tremendous force throughout your life while you walk and run. Many ligaments and joints working together provide the ankle with strength and stability. Ankle pain may be caused by an acute injury, such as with a “sprained ankle”. Chronic ankle pain may result from stretching of one or more of the ankle ligaments, or injury to various tendons including the Achilles tendon. Fractures may also cause chronic arthritis. The ankle joint can develop arthritis as well.

The foot has a a number of highly complex, integrated structure of ligaments and joints that provide stability, mobility and strength. Years of exercise and weight-bearing can cause injuries to the joints and tendons in the mid-foot, arch, and toes. The plantar fascia can become injured as the arch collapses or due to severe and repetitive heel impact from running or extensive wight training. Other toe problems such as “turf toe” and “Morton’s Neuroma” form from ligament and nerve injury.

Migraines and most headache pain does not actually originate in the head; the connections from the upper neck are more commonly the source of headache pain. The upper facet joints in the neck and the ligaments and tendons that attach to the base of the head are common sources of headache pain.
How could Regenerative therapies make a difference in your life?
Dr Durrett and/or Dr Evans will evaluate your situation, answer any questions, and discuss treatment options that would best address your concerns.
Since everyone’s situation and goals are different, exact costs can only be provided after a personal consultation.
We do offer package prices for a combination of therapies or series of treatments. Financing options are also available, call or email us to learn more.